Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Journey

Dear Fellow Traveler, looking back on your past you see a scene of something that recalls a strong memory...

Why is that?

                   What empowers these memories?

                                                                       How do they fuel you now?

                                                                                                                  What is the next step?

Is it that you, as well as I see things for more than just what they are? Do you take your time a truly pull in your environment and keep it with you to help create an album of visual beauty?

Was it more about the destination, or the journey? You look back on your time gone, but hold it dear as it made you who you are today, and who you will be tomorrow.


The sun in the summer is something dismissed as a inconvenience, but you saw it as a reason. A reason to continue to "eat up" a place and a vision to something more.

And for that I applaud you, you took the time to really
Appreciate a place.

1 comment:

  1. Reading both your posts, there’s a definite thematic connection of journeying not just to get somewhere, but to experience life along the way. I think the four questions progressing step-wise across the page have a sense of movement, of the journey you’re talking about, especially with the last one talking about steps. One thing, though: it seems like the last one was pushed a little far to the right, because the last word is over on the left side of the page and, given the way the rest of the questions look, it seems unintentional. It doesn’t detract from anything really, but it is a little disorienting when reading through the questions in that progressive manner and suddenly having the last one jump across the page that way.
    I think the picture you chose works really well with the post because it matches the nostalgic feel the reader gets from the text at times. Also, it looks like a picture that was taken while walking a trail or going on a trip. It doesn’t look as though it was staged or taken at the end of a trail; instead it seems like a snapshot taken while in the middle of getting from one place to another, which reinforces the theme of appreciating the journey that’s in your text. Going along with the nostalgic feel, I think the placement of the picture in relation to the text emphasized it, and having the line about summer sun coming directly afterwards almost feels like a part of the narrative as well as a caption for the photo at once. That sentence also compels the reader to take another look at the picture, to really take a moment and look at it in relation to the story, which is an interesting way of having the photo be at once something separate, something working alongside the text, and something working off the text.
